What is Menopause and what does food have to do with its symptoms?
FREE Recipe Enclosed
Menopause is also called "the change of life". Biologically, this heralds the end of a woman's reproductive years but it is important to realize that it's not a death sentence.
It's the end of ovulating (the ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone) which many think is only important in reproduction. However, these two hormones act on many different organs in the body. There are cells in the vagina, bladder, skin and breasts that all have estrogen receptors which need this hormone to stimulate these receptors for normal cell function. Estrogen is also needed to keep the skin smooth and moist.
Knowing that estrogen is needed not only for a sexual function will allow a woman to understand that this is just a transition to a new phase in her existence on the planet.
Here are some natural, easily available foods that can be added to one's diet to make this transition smooth and enjoyable:
1. Uncomfortable hot flashes: gotu kola, chasteberry and dong quai relieve hot flashes; make dishes using black beans and tofu and/or soy beans.
2. Vaginal dryness/itching: open a vitamin E capsule and apply the oil. For itching: inserting a tampon with 3-4 drops of tea tree oil for up to 3-hours will give immediate relief.
3. Breast tenderness: use 500-1000 milligrams of evening primrose oil for one month - this is a natural estrogen promoter.
4. Avoid salt: use onions, garlic, celery and lemon juice to flavor food. Make salads from a wide variety of greens (dandelion, mustard, beet, turnip, chicory greens, kale, Swiss chard,) to meet all your mineral needs; especially, the heart-healthy minerals magnesium, potassium and calcium.
5. Dryness and aging of the skin: drink 2-quarts of steamed distilled water daily to help prevent drying of the skin and mucous membranes. In winter, it helps to sleep with a vaporizer in your room, add a few drops of lavender (good to relieve stress).
6. Natural estrogen promoters: brew fennel and raspberry iced tea to replace soda drinks.
Finally, avoid stress or use yoga, relaxation techniques and/or exercise to effectively manage it. Mother nature has given us a powerful weapon - food, a natural diet guide, to use to ease some of the symptoms that plague us. It can be one of the tools used to help give us that quality of life as our life expectancy increases.
FREE Recipe:
NoDiet Pear/Banana Smoothie
1 8-oz. glass soy milk (almond milk)
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 can pears drained or ripe, fresh pears cut into quarters
1 medium banana cut into pieces
4-6 raspberries
grated nutmeg to garnish
Method: in a blender combine all the ingredients, except the nutmeg - blend until smooth. Serve chilled, garnish with nutmeg.
Labels: free recipe, heart disease, menopause, natural diet guide
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