My husband lives by his own personal motto that he doesn't get mad, he gets even. He is vindictive and spiteful. He takes everything very personal. I notice that since he returned from his Caribbean trip on July 25th that he has 3-alarm times set on his cell phone.
He purposefully has it in the bed beside our heads so that I'm to be awakened at around 4:00 a.m. This means that I fall back into a deeper sleep when the next alarm sounds and I'm not likely to hear which I don't since I'm often working late and going to bed at around 3:00 a.m.
Over the years, he's worked on convincing our daughter that I love my biological son more than I love her. She has now developed this vicious, deep-rooted jealousy that borders on hated for her brother and me. In a recent argument, he's now telling me that I should talk one-on-one with her to repair our relationship.
Meanwhile, this is the first time that I am hearing that we had a relationship that needed to be repaired because when I was on a Caribbean island for 7-months all she would be doing is complaining about him and asking when I would be coming home 'cause he's driving her crazy. Now that I am back three months later, the problem is now me.
I am worried that by creating a problem that doesn't exist, he could be altering her personality and driving her crazy but I am no Dr. Phil. Also, I realize that stress can bring on a lot of conditions that would otherwise not even be a factor in health so I am practicing the art of tuning out.
Labels: compulsive liars, Dr. Phil, liars, lifestyles, relationships
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