This 20-year old girl that I know has become a chauffeur for her boyfriend and foots the bill for everything. She got annoyed at her brother and mother because they both commented at different times on her folly. She has become this boy's hairdresser - washing and braiding his hair every 2-weeks.
For half-a-year, she was cooking and feeding him using money from her dad as she was also feeding him. The menu has to be super size me fat laden recipes at his request and she complies. Now she's having problems with acne something that she didn't experience in her teenage years.
Every trip that she plans, she has to pay for and supply the transportation - her father's car has become the taxi. She recognizes that she's making a big mistake but says that she should be allowed to make her own mistakes. Her brother called her Benson so she's not done his hair at the house in recent weeks - suspect this may be one problem and stress that she's having with him now.
She's known to criticize other girlfriends about their choices in men and can see the folly in their behavior but can't seem to see her own misgivings. She's a tall, beautiful girl that was raised to be a strong woman but has become a wimp with low self-esteem issues that she's blaming on her mother and brother.
Her father doesn't want to be the "bad guy" so he tolerates everything that she does without question. He quickly points to his mistake of getting married at 19-years old and says that he does not cling. As an outsider, it seems that he would rather her continue on the path and hopefully get pregnant so he can shed her as his only remaining baggage.
Labels: Benson, free recipes, low self-esteem, obese, stress
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