What soap is good for a daily use on your face?
If you occasionally suffer from acne, I would suggest that you make a cleansing lotion from two tablespoons of distilled witch hazel and rosewater - add 3-drops of tea tree essential oil apply 2-times per day with a cotton ball. If you have dry skin, I would suggest marigold cream. Alternatively, buy evening primrose oil capsules from the health food store, puncture a pill and empty the contents in your palm and apply to your face while it is still damp.In terms of a soap, soaps can be very drying to the delicate skin of the face so I would recommend washing with pure olive oil soap or oatmeal soap (about $2 each bar at your local health food store) every other day but do the cleaning routine outlined above. I hope this helps - I have been hired to update a health blog very soon as I am knowledgeable about all kinds of alternative treatments for the entire body and family.
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Labels: acne, face soaps, sensitive skin, skin care, stress
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